Ask anyone who has a 7-8 month old child. Ashwini turned 7 months old just last week. There is so much going on with her, I am surprised not to see sparks flying out of her head.

She has started to turn over on to her tummy, but, doesn’t know how to get back. Now that she knows this she wants to sleep on her tummy too. A few days ago, it was hard for her to breathe in that position, but, slowly she is figuring it out. But, still she wakes up after an hour or two and wants to turn on her back.

She wants to sit all the time while she is awake. Can maintain her balance, but, tends to fall after a few minutes.

She is also at an age when her teeth would be coming in, so, something is going on on that front too.

On top of all this, she is developing separation anxiety. She wants someone, preferably one of her parents, with her all the time. Left alone in a room even for a few seconds is unacceptable. Her happiness is inversely proportional to her distance from parents. Although she is such a joy to play with and it is hard to leave her to come to work, I now know what is “being loved too much”.

Here is a picture of adorable Ashwini