Recent Replies

@pratik Why do you even ask such silly questions? There is no need to extend this kind of conversation. Doesn't lead to anything useful.

@SRDas Is that steamed and then deep-fried? I've never had it. Looks delicious; have to try this.

@pratik Will send this to my daughter. She is more likely to call in. 😊

@vaibhav I totally agree. @stupendousman

@stupendousman Jack Smith will be the next AG.

@mroutley Thanks!

@Miraz Thanks! Being on a bicycle makes me happy!

@stupendousman crap! One of the few that I don't have. 🙄

@stupendousman What streaming service is this on? I can search but you probably know it right away. Thanks!

@stupendousman Actually, a lot of people do that. They go and ride the route before or after the TdF. Don't know if I'll ever get to do that but, I am definitely planning to go there within next couple of years and cheer the riders go by on multiple stages.

@curiousgawker My first vote in US Presidential election was for Obama! That was very satisfying!!!

@Parag Today’s time trial did not affect the positions of top 3. It was kinda expected. There was a competition for the 10th overall ranking. Buitrago who started at 11th place today clocked a better time than Ciccone at 10th place and stole that position. American cyclist Matteo Jorgensen got the 4th best time today even after a fall on the course. He has done very well this season. Hope he keeps improving in the coming years.

@amerpie Yes. 🤮🤮🤮

@amerpie Let's hope she grows up to be more like Kamala and not Usha.

@pratik I don't have much first-hand experience in interacting with many people in these fields so, not sure. But, I'd imagine one needs skill and competence to excel in these fields as well so they are probably similar to STEM.

@stupendousman @pratik Come on, man! It is OK to leave out all the fun we had while doing all the hard work. :)

@pratik Interestingly, the white supremacists in RNC are not happy with Vance and his immigrant brown wife. They don't think that the dough boy will work well with their agenda. Also, the moderate wing is unhappy with his stand on promoting misogyny and banning abortions. Only musk and putin are happy with this choice of VP.

@odd This works very well for mosquitos. It has been super popular in India for that purpose over the last decade or so.

@pratik @stupendousman All the Ivy league schools have an impeccable record in producing excellent STEM grads as it is mostly based on skill and competence. With law and business schools it is always 50:50; whoever that can bullshit better rises to the top. There are plenty of those hucksters who are liberal and conservative.

These shitty conservative immigrant kids like Usha and Vivek are probably just trying hard to fit in with the white crowds. They are also being ungrateful to their parents who came to this country with 2 suitcases of stuff and $20 in their pockets and gave their all to raise these kids.

@curiousgawker Excellent idea! makes me feel good!!!

@stupendousman Each stage is different in terms of terrain they cover and is kind of a separate race as the winner of each stage is recognized. But, there is also a cumulative time that is being tallied for deciding the overall winner after 21 stages.

@pratik Hawaii?

@stupendousman One more week to go - six more stages. World cup Football, World Cup Cricket etc go on for weeks, don't they? Think of TdF as World Cup Cycling that happens every year. :)

@stupendousman Why wait till 10 days before election. Tonight is a fine night for anything to happen.

@stupendousman That is cool! I used to have notebooks full of doodles from meetings but for some unknown reason I stopped doing it.