All decked up to go out in the snowy and frigid January morning.

    At 10 months, Ashwini is:
  • sitting up without any help
  • eager to stand up all the time, although she can't balance herself well yet
  • trying to start crawling from sitting position, but ends up on her tummy most of the times
  • babbling constantly
  • very excited when she sees her favorite toys and produces these ear-piercing screams
  • learning to clap with her hands. She is already an expert clapper using her feet
  • admiring herself in the mirror at every opportunity she gets
  • mistaking her pictures for a mirror and smiles at them
  • interested in throwing all her toys and then crawls/rolls to them, just to throw them again
  • eating 'second foods' in Gerber and Heinz terminology; loves to eat spinach, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes and of course, her usual carrots, green beans, bananas and pears
  • starting to develop a taste for yogurt
  • eyeing all the food her parents eat in front of her and is more interested in eating that
  • sleeping through the night most of the nights