Today, Ashwini is 13 month old. Time is going by faster than ever with Ashwini doing new things everyday.

    Ashwini :
  • can stand up and sit down on her own, without falling.
  • crawls very rapidly and follows us around everywhere. We have to be careful to make sure that we don't step on her.
  • walks by holding on to furniture and her walker. Walking freely is in the near future.
  • waves 'hello' and 'bye' to everyone around her.
  • is also known as "Princess Entropy". She hates any kind of order in any room of the house. All the toys that are standing up are brought down flat on the ground in no time. Books arranged in a pile or in a box get scattered all over her room faster than her mother can arrange them.
  • getting a hang of stacking and nesting toys.
  • is obsessed with her phone that is seen in this photo. She holds it to her ear and then stares out of the window or at the ceiling as if she is engrossed in the phone conversation. Once in a while she finds the real phone and knows how to press the buttons and sometimes it actually connects to some number. One of these days we are going to get hit with a huge phone bill because of Ashwini's calls.
  • knows how to operate a remote control to turn the lights and ceiling fans on and off.
  • still loves her piano and all other toys that make music. Dances to their tunes.
  • enjoys listening to stories. That is the only way to keep her in one place.
  • still loves her books and selects the ones she wants read by pointing at them.
  • knows how to make some animal sounds like cow (mooo) and sheep (dada instead of baba). Also says 'uh-oh', but am not sure if knows what it means. Makes many other sounds that we can't decipher.
  • knows actions to accompany many rhymes such as itsy-bitsy spider and twinkle twinkle little star.
  • knows the morning routhine of getting out of the house. Points to the next thing to do: pick up the coat, pick up keys, turn the alarm on, turn off the light, etc.
  • eats a lot of new things like dal, pieces of cooked green beans, toast, cheese, pieces of pears etc. We are losing count.
  • drinks cow's milk. No more formula. Drinks her milk from a cup at daycare. Bottles are on their way out.
  • points to what she wants to eat. Also knows sign language for 'give me more' and 'all done'.
  • 's second tooth is making an appearance.
  • sleeps through the night (~90% of nights). In the morning, she sits or stands up in the crib looking outside the window at the trees and birds and doesn't cry out for us to get her.

Click here for another picture.