The story behind the lj-cut is really gross.

Lately, Ashwini is into fruits, all kinds of them. She wants us to cut small pieces that she can pick up and eat herself. Her method of eating is to suck on them to get the juice, then try chewing to get more juice and finally just swallow whatever is left in a rush to reach for the next piece. Given that she has only 3 teeth, her chewing is not very efficient. A few days ago, she had cherries. They were really nice sweet big Bing cherries. She went through quite a few of them quickly. While changing her diaper, V exclaimed “Ashwini made some Cherry Garcia*”. It really looked like that with chunks of cherries. I guess I’ll think about this everytime I reach for a pint of Cherry Garcia in the freezer.

*Cherry Garcia is our most favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream.