Happy 1.25th Birthday, Ashwini!
Today, Ashwini is 15 month old.
- Ashwini:
- can walk and run freely anywhere she wants. Doesn't need to hold her hands out for balance.
- likes to climb stairs these days. Coming down the stairs is still left to be mastered.
- likes to go out for walks in the stroller. But, wants to walk and push the stroller herself.
- knows a few more animal sounds like elephant, snake, duck, etc.
- enjoyed looking at animals especially monkeys during her first visit to the zoo last weekend.
- knows a few more body parts like tummy and hair. Can find her nose in the right place on her face.
- has to pull her hair out to show where they are and has to put her finger inside the eye to show where it is. Don't know how it doesn't hurt.
- still prefers books over toys. She is going to be a bookworm. Brings books to us to read to her.
- now has 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom). Can bite pieces of food like bread or fruit.
- has started eating more solid foods like pasta, khichadi, daal, etc.
- loves all milk products. Will live on yogurt and cheese if we let her.
- loves all kinds of fruits. Recently, she tried fresh apricots and cherries for the first time and liked them both.
- loves to be in the bath with her duckie and froggie.