Today we had a visitor at work from England. His name is Alex A. Alex. Wonder what his middle initial stands for. Should have asked him. Have met a professor from Princeton University whose name is Warren Warren. This is like Major Major Major from Catch-22.

Reminds me of an article that had an interesting list of authors…

A. Bax, D. Max and D. Zax: Measurement of multiple-bond 13C-13C J couplings in a 20-kDa protein-peptide complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 6923-6925 (1992).

I know the first author Ad Bax, who is very proud of this paper and refers to it as Bax, Max and Zax in JACS.

By the way, Ad Bax is the most cited currently active author in the world. His publications are referred in more than 20,000 articles when I last checked the Citation Index about 3 years ago.