V has been away on a business trip since Tuesday. This was my first chance to be a single parent to Ashwini for an extended period of time. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her, but it made me realise how much work and planning iis involved in taking care of a toddler. At this age (20months), Ashwini doesn’t realise the consequences of her actions. She needs to be looked after constantly to keep her away from doing something that will hurt her. With two parents around, one can pay attention to her while the other can be free to do cooking etc.

My respect for single parents (especially single moms) went up by another notch. It is so hard to do anything without planning it out first. Even going to the bathroom for a minute or two is difficult.

V is coming home tonight. Both Ashwini and I will be very happy to see her back. Hopefully, she’ll bring us something from San Diego.