Here is a fine example of a person fit for death penalty or at least sterilization so she can’t make more children and hurt them. I don’t care if she hurts herself.

Mother confesses to severing baby’s arms

PLANO, Texas - With a calm and dispassionate voice and a hymn playing in the background, Dena Schlosser confessed to the unthinkable, telling a 911 operator she’d cut off the arms of her baby girl.

The woman was sitting in her living room covered with blood when police arrived Monday. Her nearly 11-month-old daughter lay fatally injured in a crib in a bedroom of the family’s apartment in Plano. The child died shortly afterward at a nearby hospital.

What is with Texas and these religious and severely depressed dumbasses? Wasn’t Andrea Yates, who killed 4 or 5 of her own children, form Texas too? Wonder which is the cause and which is the effect? Does being deeply religious minded make them psychotic or do psychologically disturbed individuals become very religious to find some solace in their miserable lives?

I would most definitely kill anyone (even if it is me) who tries to hurt my little daughter. I can’t imagine how someone could do this act. If God told me to do it like he did in the Andrea Yates' case, I’ll flip him a finger and ask him to f**k off.