If you check out the US government’s guidelines about traveling to India, you would think that it is a germ infested, diseased country and you shouldn’t travel there unless it is absolutely necessary. I spent 6 weeks in India in perfect health without any additional vaccination or medication. All through the trip I enjoyed all the roadside food (mostly vadapav, bhel-puri, pani-puri, paav-bhaaji and tea) that I could get.

Now, 3 days after returning to “clean and disease-free” USofA, I am starting to get a bad cold.

The food in India was excellent. I got back into a habit of eating a big breakfast along with a big lunch and bigger dinner. All the sweets were very tempting and I easily gave in to all temptations without much resistance. Five days in Hyderabad were the best. I was eating idli, vada and dosa for breakfast everyday just to start off the day. After my brother’s wedding and travelling around with friends and all the food at the conference, I was pretty sure that I must have put on 15-20 lbs during those 5 weeks. But, to my surprise, my weight is exactly the same as it was before we left for the trip. I am getting suspicious about the scale at home. I should go somewhere else and check the weight again.

Thankfully, V and Ashwini were in good health too. Hoping that this will continue on our future trips too.