It was a beautiful Saturday morning. If we could bottle it and sell it, we could become billionaires in a jiffy. A typical crisp and clear February winter day. About 30 degrees and not a cloud in sight. Such a diagonally opposite day compared to last weekend.

We took the opportunity to enjoy some fun-time in the snow. Ashwini plays in the snow everyday at her daycare but, we don’t get to get out in the snow. We bundled ourselves up, pulled out Ashwini’s sled and were excited to make some tracks in untouched snow.

It is so much fun to get pulled around in a sled. I should talk someone into doing this to me.

The snow wasn’t too deep and it was fun to walk around in the snow too.

Resting on a rock for a few minutes before getting more action.

Before returning inside, Ashwini helped her Aai make a snow angel.