Ashwini is already 2 years old. We can’t believe that these precious days are slipping through our fingers.

  • Through our eyes, Ashwini is doing very well and we hope to hear the same from her doctor next week. She hasn't gained much weight since our last doctor's visit, but, she has been so active all these months. Her "terrible 2" mood swings don't help either. Some days she doesn't want to eat anything and some days we can't feed her enough.
  • Ashwini's vocabulary and speaking skills are improving by leaps and bounds. She is constructing 3-4-5 word sentences and saying almost every word that she hears from us. We have to be really careful about what we say, now.
  • She can recite many nursery rhymes now, although she garbles some words.

Instead of writing a big progress report like every month, I leave you with a photo collage of Ashwini’s life till today. It was so hard to pick only one photo for each month. Click on each photo for a link to her monthly progress report for every month that I wrote one.

Two Years of Ashwini