Today is 152nd birth anniversary of Vincent Van Gogh, one of the best post-impressionist artists. He suffered from a mental illness and committed himself to many sanatoriums to cure it. His illness and treatments had an effect on his perception and drawing. Here are two paintings made by him over a period of one year. Although the subject of both the paintings is the same, the differences in style are astronomical. The one on left is “Starry Night over the Rhone” from 1888 and the one on right is “The Starry Night” from 1889, one of his most famous paintings. He painted the second one while he was in mental asylum of Saint-Remy.


He committed suicide about 13 months after he painted “The Starry Night”. The last year of his life was very productive. He did 150 paintings during that period; 70 in last 70 days. He died a pauper but, his paintings are priced at tens of millions of dollars today.

Both the photos taken from WebMuseum