Reposting this as the date of the walk comes closer. Sincere thanks to those who already made a donation. So far, I have collected $150 from friends & family and $85 in matching donations from their employers.

If you were planning to donate to this cause but, still haven’t, please do so soon by visiting my webpage. I’ll match every dollar you donate and my employer will match my donation. So, every dollar of your donation will turn into 3.

Thanks for your support.

Premature birth is the leading cause of newborn death in the first month of life. It affects 1,305 babies a day in the United States. Those who survive may have lifelong health problems. And premature births are on the rise – up to 27% since 1981.

My daughter as well as I were born prematurely. Thankfully, both of us are doing well but, there are many who are not so fortunate.

I am asking you to support me in March of Dimes WalkAmerica, because premature birth can happen to any pregnant woman. In nearly half the cases, the causes are unknown. The March of Dimes is supporting research into the causes of premature birth. I’m joining the walk in Ann Arbor, MI on May 1st, and so can you!

Your support helps fund: -Research into stress and other factors that may trigger preterm labor. -Programs to educate pregnant women to recognize the warning signs of preterm labor. -Tools to help health care providers find better ways to detect women who may be at risk for preterm labor.

Please visit my webpage and sponsor me in the Walk that saves babies!

If you wish to participate in the walk visit Walk America website and find a walk in your area.