Happy Mother’s day, Aai

  • The most significant achievement came just a few days ago. Ashwini can now jump by herself. She can become airborne for a fraction of a second by lifting both her feet at the same time. They don't go off the floor by more than 2-3 inches but, it is a big deal.
  • Her mouth is running constantly through every waking moment. She starts talking as soon as she wakes up and stops when she falls asleep.
  • Ashwini is enjoying the spring weather and wants to be outside a lot. Running around on the grass and finding flowers are her favorite activities. She has been helping with the yardwork with her own set of tools. Initially, she didn't want to get her hands dirty, but, now she is getting interested in it. Today, we planted some mustard seeds in her own pot. She wants to water and take care of the pot as the plants sprout and grow. They have similar activities at her daycare too. So, she is very excited about seeing the plants grow and flower.
  • Ashwini knows what she wants to eat and starts talking about what she wants for dinner in the car while coming home. She also wants to eat everything by herself. Doesn't like it when we try to feed her. She is very good with forks and spoons, too. Drinks milk with cups and sippy-cups. Bottles have been gone for a couple of months now.
  • She is not a fussy eater. Eats almost everything we offer to her. New things that she tried and liked recently are sauted bell peppers (red & yellow) and ice cream. I think Ashwini and I are going to fight over those ice cream pints in the freezer.
  • She decides what she wants to wear. She picks her own socks and hairbands to make her ponytails and I can't make her change her decision. She knows all the colors and identifies them properly. She used to get confused between blue and yellow, but not anymore.
  • Ashwini can count to ten. She even manages show corrent number of fingers upto 5.
  • She is starting to recognise some letters of the alphabet. She spots 'A's everywhere and calls out 'A for Ashwini'. She also knows B, C, E, F and P (for dada Parag). She is showing interest in her alphabet toys lately. So, it is probably a matter of a few weeks before she masters all the letters.
  • Ashwini is learning new nursery rhymes. She knows 'Jack and Jill' now. The funny part is that she insists on finishing the last line as... Jill came tumbling after HIM.

Something funny from evening…

Ashwini and V were sitting around and giving kisses. I give you a kiss, you give me a kiss and so on… Ashwini was wearing a shirt with a butterfly on it.

V: Ashwini, can I kiss the butterfly? A: Yeah. (stuck out her belly to show the butterfly) V: (kissed the butterfly) A: (turned around and pointing to her tush) Aai, now kiss this butt.

That was a nice Mother’s day gift. :)