Since Ashwini was born, I haven’t done any regular exercise like I used to. I haven’t been watching what I eat, how much I eat and when I eat. I was very apprehensive about my visit to the doctor for a physical a couple of weeks ago and was thinking that my cardiovascular health is in real trouble. Just received the blood test reports and seems like whatever I have been doing wasn’t too bad. Here are some numbers to prove it.

resting heart rate 76
Blood pressure 110/70
Total cholesterol 179
HDL cholesterol (good) 50
LDL cholesterol (bad) 109
HDL/total ratio 3.6
Triglycerides 102

Not bad. All the numbers are in the normal range. Some exercise could bring down the heart rate and improve my HDL/total ratio, but, I am not worried.

Thanks, Ashwini for making sure that I get enough exercise by running after you and keeping me healthy.