It would have been nice to have a photo accompanying this post, but, unfortunately I don’t have any.

A few weeks ago, I had made a post about spotting a very hungry caterpillar in our garden. I was planning to catch one and keep it in a box, but, all I found was a cocoon, a few days later. I put that in a box with some mulch. Placed the box in a cool, moist and dark place. Ashwini and I kept checking the box periodically to check the status of the cocoon. Yesterday, we found that the cocoon was broken and a huge moth with beautiful design on its body sitting in the box. Surprisingly, its wings were quite plain. It wasn’t moving and I thought that I killed it. But, when Ashwini and I touched its wings, it started to move. By the time, I could run and grab the camera, it started to flutter and flew away.

The very hungry caterpillar is Ashwini’s one of the most favorite books. I was very happy that she got to see the transformation described in the book, in real life. Ashwini was very excited to see the moth fly away. Then, she started making up her own story.

The butterfly came out of the cocoon, flied away... went in the woods to find some friends... they had a chat, ate dinner, played with toys, read books and went to bed.