Ashwini still sleeps like a frog.

Here is Ashwini's monthly progress report. A couple of notes from her preschool:
  • Nov. 11, 2005: Ashwini and Payton were so cute outside this week. Payton pulled Ashwini in the wagon and they had a blast. Ashwini asked Payton to come over to her house and play with her toys. They are such gigglers when they play together these days.
  • Nov. 18, 2005: This week I have been working with Ashwini on using certain scripts to help her talk to other children. Sometimes when other children cut in line in front of her or take toys that she is using, she doesn't say anything. So, I have been asking her if she likes that; if she says no, I give her a script to use like, "I was here first" or "I'm still using that. Wait till I am done." Hopefully, this will help.
  • Dec. 1, 2005: It's fun to see how much of a difference a couple of months make. Ashwini is no longer interested in hanging out with me. Ashwini and Payton are best friends now. Their favorite activity is pretending in the play kitchen. It's fun to see them interact. We've also been working on some phonetic awareness (recognizing the sounds in words). Ashwini did great. She could point out objects that start with "S" and "G" sounds. This is a good step towards reading words.

  • Ashwini likes to play on her swingset in winter too.

  • On Tuesday, it was "show and tell" day. All kids were to bring in toys that start with "S". Ashwini took her stuffed snake. She was wearing it around her neck like a scarf and showing everyone how it hisses through its mouth.
  • It is becoming more and more difficult to get Ashwini to do anything. She just wants to keep doing whatever she is doing. In the morning, she doesn't want to wake up. After making her get out of bed, she doesn't want to change her clothes, then she doesn't want to eat any breakfast and then, she doesn't want to go to preschool. In the evening, she doesn't want to leave her classroom and come home. It almost seems like her every sentence begins with "I don't want to...". If it is like this at 2.75 yrs, I see very difficult teenage years in the future.

    We are trying to find new ways to make her interested in doing things that we want her to do. These days, racing with her Aai to get ready in the morning seems to be working. But, don’t know how long it will work. We better start thinking about the next trick.

  • Her memory just amazes me. Today, we were at a traffic light and the car ahead of us didn't move even when the light turned green. Ashwini blurted out, "Come on lady, let's go." I remember saying something like this at a traffic light maybe more than a month ago. She remembered it and used it at the right time.

Here is Ashwini one year ago.