Review of what Ashwini did and how she looked as she grew up through 2005.

January 2005:

Ashwini's new wardrobe

February 2005:

Fun in snow

From her birthday post: Her English and Marathi vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. She confused her kaka by asking ‘kaay aahe te?’ (what is that?) in marathi and he kept scratching his head in search of english words that fit those sounds.

March 2005:

Ashwini turned 2 and loved blowing candles. She also started her swimming lessons, built a snowman, had a pajama day at school and enjoyed her first lollipop.

April 2005:

From her birthday post: She can sing nursery rhymes from start to end. Many of them, she knows just by the sounds and doesn't understand the words.

May 2005:

Ashwini realized the "MY" concept and also she was happy to get her own playset. Listen to her sing A B C D....

June 2005:

Ashwini loved watering our vegetable/flower garden all through the summer. She enjoyed blowing bubbles and also went on a field trip to a petting farm. We had The Incident at Check E. Cheese and then, there was a little boo-boo.

July 2005:

From her birthday post: She is becoming more and more independent every day. Ashwini went on her first camping trip. She also got better with her doodles and listen to her sing a Marathi song.

August 2005:

From birthday post: TV is slowly working its way into Ashwini's life. Along with Thomas, her current favorite TV show is "Blue's clues". Thankfully, her short attention span limits her TV watching to 15-20 minutes. She went on a field trip to a water park and learnt (from me) how to laugh like Dr. Evil.

September 2005:

Ashwini started going to preschool. It was a big change in her life along with her new bed. She went to the beach on Lake Michigan and to Niagara falls. Ashwini also got her train set expanded.

October 2005:

Told by her teacher: Ashwini is doing amazing with her letters and numbers. She is beyond all of her similar age peers in recognition. She can identify 1 to 10 as well as almost all the letters. Ashwini enjoyed the fall season and had fun on Halloween. She also made me feel very very special.

November 2005:

From her birthday post: Ashwini is getting exposed to American football this year. I was watching a game and got excited about a play and started shouting, "touchdown... touchdown". Ashwini was standing near me. She promptly bent over and touched the ground.

December 2005:

From her birthday post: It is becoming more and more difficult to get Ashwini to do anything. She just wants to keep doing whatever she is doing. In the morning, she doesn't want to wake up. After making her get out of bed, she doesn't want to change her clothes, then she doesn't want to eat any breakfast and then, she doesn't want to go to preschool. In the evening, she doesn't want to leave her classroom and come home. It almost seems like her every sentence begins with "I don't want to...". If it is like this at 2.75 yrs, I see very difficult teenage years in the future.