When fun is being had, time just flies by. I can’t believe that V married me 10 years ago on this day, Jan 25th and we are still married after all these crazy years. Life during these 10 years just seems like a blur, especially last 3, during which we increased the size of our family by 100%. But, I have immensely enjoyed every moment of it. Hope to make posts like this every decade for a long time to come.

Here are some photos of us during these 10 years in a chronological order. We first met each other in August of 1987, almost 18 and half years ago. Couldn’t find any photos from the 80’s. Will have to dig in some boxes stored in the basement. Disneyland in 1993

in Austin, Tx; 1995

Our wedding in 1996

Our wedding in 1996

Camping trip to Lake Ontario in 1999

V’s first camping trip to Grand Canyon in 2000

Rafting trip to Grand Canyon in 2002

Us getting buried in snow in 2003

Us with Ashwini in 2005

I didn’t get time to scan the photos that were prints. In stead, I took digital pictures of those for posting here. So, the quality is not so good. Hopefully, all my photos will be in digital format sometime in the future.