Adit, seen prowling around the house.

Today, Adit is 9 months old. Last month has been a growing up month for Adit. When I wrote last month’s update, he was still mostly a big blob lying around the house. That has completely changed over the last 2 weeks or so. He can crawl at an amazing speed and follows us, especially his sister, around like a little puppy. The hanging tongue seen in this photo is not just by chance. This is how he is most of the times.

Adit also started to “talk” this month. He finally got down his da-da’s and ba-ba’s along with shrill screams that are reserved only for his sister. It is funny to see how he observes Ashwini’s every move and listens to what she says with great interest.

Adit is still eating the same foods, just more. We’ll be starting some finger foods like “cheerios” and biscuits very soon. With all the increased physical activity, he hasn’t gained as much weight as he did earlier. Strangely, he still likes his veggies more than his fruits.

Last week, I took him for his first grocery shopping trip ever since he started sitting up. He enjoyed looking at all the colorful things in the store. I liked taking Ashwini to the grocery store all the time. Looks like it is Adit’s turn to go grocery shopping now.

Adit got his second haircut last week, as his hair was long enough to go in his eyes and tickle his ears.

Playing with balls is still the most favorite activity for Adit. He also seem to enjoy tearing up magazines and catalogs: complete opposite of Ashwini who never tore any pages from any book. He also likes to stand up holding on to Ashwini’s train table and picks up engines off the track and pieces of track off the table. Defining which are Ashwini’s toys and toys that Adit can play with is the biggest headache for us. Ashwini tries to control Adit’s access to all the toys and he always wants whatever Ashwini is playing with. There some toys that Ashwini never lets him play with. If he sees those toys while Ashwini is not around, he just darts toward them with a grin on his face, grabs them and puts them in his mouth in all possible ways.

Adit has gotten used to his daycare, his teachers and other kids in the class. He seems to enjoy playing there and has a good time.