At this morning weigh-in, I have lost about 7 pounds in one week of this diet. I don’t feel any other benefits from it. My knees feel better with little less weight to carry, but that is it. Maybe, I don’t feel any different than before, because I am still sleep-deprived. Part of this weight loss could be attributed to sleep-deprivation. In the week before I started this diet, I was away on a business trip and used to get at least uninterrupted 7 hours of sleep and was eating huge three meals per day. Anyway, if these 7 pounds stay away, that will be good.

Eating just fruits and vegetables isn’t so bad. I mostly eat that always anyway. During the week, at lunchtime, one of my colleagues was eating a big sandwich. I wanted to snatch it from his hand and eat that yummy bread. That was the only time I felt bad about being on this diet. At home, we ate home-made guacamole as vegetable (avocado is a fruit, right?) and made spicy vegetable soups. So, it was quite enjoyable.

Today, I started eating regular food. Wonder how long it will take for these 7 pounds to come back.