Went to watch Happy Feet with Ashwini on Saturday. It is a beautifully made movie. The animation and music was great. The story was a little too advanced for Ashwini. There were quite a few chase sequences that were done brilliantly, scared Ashwini a bit. I usually don’t like Robin Williams, but he provided voices for a couple of characters very well. I guess I just don’t like watch his monkey-like antics on screen. Overall, an excellent movie.

Tried watching the new Don on Friday night. It was atrocious. Couldn’t finish it. I haven’t seen the original, but I am sure it was better than this new version. All the psychedelic colors and flashes seemed to hypnotize me and made me fall asleep several times during the first hour or so of what we watched. I just couldn’t get over Don wearing the silly tie (made with shirt fabric) inside an open collar shirt. Don’t waste your money on it, if you haven’t already.