Eve Ensler’s very famous book, “The Vagina Monologues” and its dramatized version have been around for quite a few years. The marquee advertising the play in Atlantic Beach, Fla. caused a minor stir, recently. A 25 year old woman was driving by the comedy club/theater with her 9 year old niece who read out the marquee and asked what vagina is. The woman got very upset that she was asked the question and promptly complained to Better Business Bureau. The comedy club changed the marquee to “The Hoohaa Monologues” as a joke. Hoohaa being a more colloquial word so everyone would understand what it is.

If a 9 year old girl doesn’t know what a vagina is, there are some real problems with this family. Also, this book is about how women don’t have very high regard for their genitals and how they avoid discussing this topic. This floridian lady just endorsed the main point of the book.