Let me start this post by stating that I never watch any reality shows. I think the whole idea just smacks of being fake. Anything that happens in front of a recording camera can be anything but reality. But, that is just my view.

On the current season of “American Idol”, there is a 17 year old contestant, Sanjaya Malakar. He is supposed to be very bad at singing but has a very infectious personality. There are many many hard-core Idol fans that don’t like him being there in the final rounds of the show. One has gone as far as announcing a hunger strike till Sanjaya is thrown off the show and many have joined her in the strike. After watching the video, it is obvious that this fatso lady needs to lose some weight. If she gets off the couch and live a life other than watching TV and obsessing about it, she won’t be in this situation. This hunger strike is actually a diet plan to lose weight. I want to support her efforts to get back in shape. Just for her, I am going to do something that I have never done before, i.e. cast my vote on “American Idol” — for Sanjaya.

Friends, please join me in helping this woman by voting for Sanjaya.

Thanks, Patrix for your regular updates about Idol.