As it is, among all the kids' TV shows that I watch with A & A, Noddy is my least favorite. Yesterday, it was the last straw that turned my “it’s OK” attitude to “that’s stupid”. In one episode, they showed the Moon going down the horizon and the Sun coming up from the same spot. It is downright irresponsible to show something that is so totally wrong to little children. If you can’t teach them something right, at least don’t teach something that is wrong.

Talking about TV shows, we added HBO to our cable service, again after a gap of about 2 years. Got a chance to watch a couple of episodes of “Big Love”. It is a very well written and well made drama, just what you expect from any HBO original series. It is about a Mormon family that practiced polygamy. It is interesting to watch all the different issues faced by Bill and his three wives. Polygamy is illegal in USA and also not supported by church of the LDS. But, there are many remote areas in Utah where people can do whatever they want. Don’t know why anyone would want more than one wife. It is hard enough to keep one happy.

I really like how HBO shows are made with a lot of attention to detail. One of the scenes in the show took place in their basement. You can see big containers neatly lining the walls of the basement. I knew a Mormon family whom I helped move from one house to another. Just as it is seen on the TV show, they had a big stack of nicely sealed containers in their basement. Those containers held 800 pounds of wheat. There also was a large number of full 1 gallon water jugs. All Mormon households are prepared for Armageddon and ready for Christ’s second coming.

Talking about Mormons, here is a very interesting blog of an ex-Mormon… Dooce