Adit turned 20 month old yesterday. It has been 4 months since I wrote his last progress report. Our move from Michigan to Connecticut completely turned our lives upside down. Also, two kids take up so much more time than one kid, that it is hard to write these posts more frequently. I hope Adit will not take this negatively when he grows up. He’ll probably say that it is good not to have too many of these reports with embarrassing details about his childhood.

Adit continued on with his physical growth and has gotten better with his balance. He can run up and down all the inclines around our new house without any problems. Going up and down the stairs is not a problem and same with climbing down from sofas, tables and other places that can climb onto. His motor skills have also improved in terms of handling small objects and feeding himself. He can use a fork and a spoon properly to pick up food. But, after awhile he ends up with just holding fork/spoon in his right hand and picking up food with the fingers of his left hand. Adit is such a fast eater that he is almost always finished by the time Ashwini eats less than half of her food. He is not as fond of vegetables as Ashwini, but they share their love for fruits. His molars have come out within the last month or so and now he can eat everything that Ashwini does. No more jars of baby foods!!!

The most improvement in these last few months is with his verbal skills. Lately, he is trying to say more and more words. He likes to copy whatever words that he hears from us and sometimes, if he can’t say the exact word, he at least gets something that is similar sounding. It is funny when he tries to tell us something and we just can’t make out what he is saying. After we make 2 or 3 wrong guesses, he gets very upset, but is pleased when we make out his words. He also understands when we are talking with him and answers our questions with ‘yesh’ or ‘no’.

Adit calls me, “Dada”; and even after V tried to teach him “Aai” a million times, he calls her “Mama”. Ashwini is too hard for him to say, so, he calls her with a gutteral sound that I can’t type with a keyboard. His teacher’s name is Kate. Adit calls her “cake” or “tate”. I guess it must be difficult for toddlers to say the ‘k’ and ’t' sounds together, because some other kids in his classroom do the same with her name.

We have a book about trucks that describes all kinds of trucks such as dump trucks, bulldozers, backhoes, frontloaders etc. For some reason, the word ‘backhoe’ was stuck in Adit’s mind. No matter what kind of vehicle he saw, it was always a ‘backhoe’; even cars were ‘backhoes’. Within last few days, he has started saying ‘truck’ and cars are ‘vroom vroom’.

“How about thish?” is the longest sentence that Adit can say. He brings things to us or points to something that he wants and says, “How about thish?” It took us awhile to figure out what he was saying as it was totally unexpected.

Adit isn’t afraid of animals. (NO! That ^ is not a real fish.) He always enjoyed our visits to the zoo in Michigan and was very thrilled during our recent trip to nearby Mystic Aquarium. He liked to watch all the fishes and other critters. We promptly bought a family membership and hope to visit there again and again through the year.

Adit likes watching Dora and Diego with Ashwini. He gets very involved with the show and answers to the questions asked by the characters or follows theirs directions to act out things.

He likes to listen to music; not just kids' music, but any music. It is a surefire way to calm him down if he gets upset in the car.

He still loves his baths. It is hard to get him out of the bathtub. while giving him a bath, I sit on the edge of the tub with my feet inside. As he plays about things in the water, he sometimes sits on my foot. No wonder that that is the softest thing my feet have ever touched, considering his bottom has always been covered with a diaper and untouched by the world. Talking about bottoms, recently, he found a body part that was unknown to him as it was always out of sight behind a diaper or obscured by his belly. ‘nuff said!

Adit is getting more and more interested in books. He asks to read certain books that he likes. He is also doing ‘match the shape’ kind of jigsaw puzzles and playing with stacker toys. He used to dislike all stuffed toys, but that is slowly changing. Hiding and playing peekaboo are his favorite games. Thankfully, his interest in trashcan has reduced.

Our transition to the new school/daycare is going well. Adit still gets sad at the time of drop-off, but within minutes, he is happily playing around with his teachers and other kids. Hopefully, he’ll get over this drop-off trouble soon.