It was unseasonably warm yesterday when we went out for apple picking. Probably for the first time ever, we were not wearing jackets but, were in shorts and t-shirts for apple picking. This must be the Indian Summer.

At the orchards, they had hayrides in a very nicely decked out carriage. It was far from being a farm hay wagon, but was a nice ride. Both the kids were excited to see and touch horses.

Apple and raspberry picking was good. Adit was eating juicy and sweet raspberries right from the bushes. Must be their freshness, because he doesn’t like to eat any store-bought berries. The fresh taste of apples plucked from a tree is so much better that it keeps us going back to apple picking every year. We must have missed this fall activity just a couple of times in the last 16 years.

We’ll make another trip next week with the kids' wagon to get pumpkins, so I don’t have to carry those heavy things to the car.