If someone asks me, “How much money do you have in your wallet?”, I’d be clueless. Not because I have so much that I have lost the count, but because I haven’t used paper money in almost 2 months.

The last time I used cash was when I went for a haircut. These days, all my transactions are electronic. I haven’t written a check by hand in a long time either. I pay all my bills online or with a credit card. I even receive most of my bills online. Ever since I moved to my new workplace, I don’t have to use cash even to buy food in the cafeteria. My badge works as a debit card. Isn’t that convenient? Don’t have to handle cash or carry coins around in my pockets. I wish I could fund my badge directly from my paycheck, preferably before taxes, but that is not possible yet. It gets charged to a credit card that gives me reward points. Now, I get reward points for every single thing I do, even eating lunch or getting a cup of coffee in the afternoon.

I wonder how long it would take for us to become a completely cashless society.