December 22nd is Winter Solstice: the official shortest day of the year. But, that doesn’t mean that it is the day with latest Sunrise and earliest Sunset. Thanks to canyoncat for the following excellent information. I guess the times mentioned here are for Boston, so they will be approximately same for me as I live close by.

Well, the good news is that we are now experiencing our earliest sunset, at 4:12pm, and it stays at 4:12pm until December 14. Beginning on December 15th the Sun will start setting later and later every day. Our latest sunrise, at 7:14am, does not occur until January 2-6 and then that starts getting earlier. I know there is a reason why these do not correspond so the shortest day, on December 21... some nonsense about a tilted planet... more likely a warped mind. :)

We actually have two shortest days this year. December 21 and 22 are both 9h 04m 48s.