P1: Do you know where we live? P2: Where? P1: In the Milky Way galaxy. All the planets and Sun and Moon are in the Milky Way.

P1: Do you know which stars are hotter? P2: Which ones? P1: Blue stars are the hottest.

P1: Do you know how to make a star? P2: You can draw 2 triangles… P1: No. No. A real star??? P2: How do you make it? P1: You have to take gas and dust and put it together to make a star.

I am sure you can guess who persons P1 and P2 are. But, that is wrong. Person P2 is me and P1 is Ms. Ashwini. One of her teachers was talking about Astronomy in her class last week. Isn’t that just wonderful?

I wish I was the one telling her all this stuff, but as long as she learns all the correct things, it is all right.