Over the two weeks, I didn’t get a chance to update on the progress of our caterpillars. They turned into these exotic-looking cocoons. Make sure you click on the photo above to see the bigger version to see them clearly. After a week or so beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies emerged from them.

Please note the difference in the colors on the anterior and posterior sides of the wings.

We kept them in the house for a week and on Wednesday, released them outside. Ashwini actually picked them up by their wings one-by-one and let them fly out of her hand. Adit wanted to do the same, but we didn’t let him as we wanted those poor butterflies to fly away with intact wings. :)

The butterflies survive for about two weeks after coming out of the cocoons and they have to mate during that time to continue their life-cycle. We didn’t want to imprison them for their whole life. Half of it is good (or bad) enough.