Sometime earlier this year, I changed my electricity supplier to Community Energy, which produces electricity using renewable (reusable) resources such as wind and water. Their energy mix for our area was 50% wind and 50% low-impact hydroelectric. Recently, they changed it to 66% wind and 34% hydroelectric. That is even better, I guess. The cost of this electricity is slightly higher than the traditional coal/oil-fired generators. I started paying about 4% more after switching to this supplier.

Around the same time, I started changing all the light bulbs to CFLs. Now, there are about 30 CFLs around the house and increase in my electricity bill is more than offset. After taking an inventory of light bulbs, I realized that another 2 dozen bulbs need replacing. I had no idea that there were so many light bulbs in the house. Placed an order for 30 more CFLs. This should take care of our lighting needs for a long time. The estimated lifespan for CFL is about 5 years.