Stargazings 10-18-08
It was a quick half hour session with Adit calling me to come in every 5 minutes. A clear and cold night made everything look very beautiful. These sky conditions along with the good quality optics of William Optics Megrez 90 were responsible for excellent viewing with good contrast. Here is what I was able to catch:
Jupiter: All four moon visible; all were on the same side.
M22 and M28 from Saggitarius: It was my first time to see these two clusters. They can be found around lambda Saggitarius. M22 is a big and very dense, nice looking, globular star cluster. Very easy to spot. M28 is much smaller and fainter.
M57: “Ring nebula” a planetary nebula from Lyra.
M56: a globular star cluster from Lyra. It lies on the straight line between M57 and Albeiro (beta-Cygnus), almost at the midpoint.
Albeiro: Famous double star in Cygnus. Two bright colorful stars: Orange and blue.
M31 and M32: Andromeda and its companion galaxy.
NGC869 and NGC884: Double cluster in Perseus.