Ashwini has been going to a ballet school for more than an year. She is still in "pre-ballet" class and learning the basics. According to the school rules, parents are not allowed to stay with their kids in the class for obvious reasons. Once a year, the teacher invites parents for an open class to show off their kids' progress. This year, all four of us decided to go. Needless to say that within 10 minutes, I had to walk out with Adit as he got bored and wanted to go home.

It is so nice to see these ballerinas fluttering around like butterflies. I also see a little older girls (maybe 12-13 year olds) at the school when I go to drop off and pick up Ashwini. After years of training, they are so graceful and it feels like they float effortlessly a few inches above the ground. It would be great if Ashwini becomes a good ballet dancer but, I’d be happy even if she develops this excellent posture and grace from her ballet class.