Started out from Hellnar in the rain. Stopped at Bjarnarfoss by the side of the road but could only see half the fall. The top half was in clouds. Also stopped at Arnarstapi harbor. It is supposed to be quite scenic according to the book but couldn’t really see much due to clouds and rain.

Budir black church - It is a striking building. We just took a picture from the car as we didn’t want to get out in the rain.

The whole day turned out to be rainy and windy. Stopped at this hot water spring where boiling water was bubbling out of the ground. So much geothermal energy here.

The rest of the drive was uneventful. Bought a sandwich for lunch in Borgarnes. Then picked up frozen pizza and smoked salmon at a grocery store in Sauderkrokur. This guesthouse is totally isolated from everything. Had to drive on a gravel road for 5km to get there. It is a great location, right on the beach. Hoping to see northern lights tonight as the clouds are clearing out here.

We had this whole beach to ourselves!