TIL : Jehovah’s witnesses only celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Celebrating personal birthdays is against their beliefs and is considered blasphemous.

Only a little bit of Aurora was visible on Sunday night around 11 pm before the clouds moved in.

The cause….

And the effect….

This huge sunspot 3664 on the right is causing the beautiful northern lights show which will probably be visible on Saturday night as well. 15 earths can fit in this sunspot complex.

This was the best birthday gift ever!!!

Thanks to the huge coronal mass ejections from the Sun, we could see northern lights from Connecticut. First time for me to see these. So beautiful!!!

Starting another revolution around the Sun, today!

It is so cloudy and rainy and dark this morning. Feels like being in Mumbai monsoon.

I have been doing a 10 minute morning meditation for a few months. The instructors say a lot of things but, there is one that I found very appealing.

“Ask yourself - how are you and just observe the answer with no judgment or concern or need to change something”.

Never did that before without always thinking of a plan to act on it. I am really enjoying the meditations and feels like they bring clarity to my mind.

My 4 years old iPad still works perfectly for the things that I need it for. The new features are wasted on me…

better display –> why? my eyesight is getting weaker.

faster processor/better performance –> why? my reflexes are slowing down. can’t play games very well.

For me, Eastern redbud is the quintessential highlight of Spring blooming season.

Sign on the highway in Massachusetts:

It is the way - Obey speed limit

May the fourth be with you!

Back to work after 4 days in Mexico City and I have no idea about what I did here last week and what I am supposed to do today.

Sun rising over Mexico City.

First meal in Mexico City was excellent. Looking forward to many more.

Listening to the Dead after a long time. Feels so so good!!!


People usually say that as a young person, they were idealistic liberal and then turn into crabby old “get off my lawn” kind of conservative as they aged. My experience has been quite the opposite. I was much more conservative when I was young and now I have become a card-carrying liberal.

The totality lasted only for 3 minutes and 33 seconds but the whole eclipse went on for about two and half hours. Fortunately, I was at a spot where I could observe and photograph it from start to finish. Here is the whole total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 compressed in a one minute video.

Blue and green stained glass windows from La Sagrada Familia - Antoni Gaudi’s famous church in Barcelona.

🚴 Another 70F day and another afternoon bike ride.