What a glorious day for a bike ride. It was our first 70F day of this year.

Applying some newly learned processing techniques to bring out details in solar corona.

It’s mating time, y’all!

Not a good way to end my bike ride.

Wordle 1,029 2/6*



Both the kids have secured summer internships involving lab-based research. It will be good for them to figure out if they will want to do this kind of stuff in graduate school and pursue as a career.

We stayed with our friends in Albany and drove up to Plattsburgh, NY to view the eclipse. Took us just over 2 hours going up there and on the way back it was five and half hours to Albany. There were so many cars on the road with bumper-to-bumper stop-and-go traffic. We had 3-4 bars of signal on the phone but, music streaming stopped and we couldn’t do anything on the phone that needed data. Never experienced network congestion like this before. There were probably 4-5 times the usual number of users on the network and it came to a grinding halt.

From all the photos taken during the total Solar eclipse on Monday, this one is my most favorite. It shows some corona but if you zoom in at the bottom half of the photo, the solar prominences and Bailey’s beads are so striking!

For those who don’t know what Bailey’s beads are… these are the small specks of light coming through the lunar craters and valleys as the Sun emerges from totality.

📷 Day11 : A sky full of stars!


📷 Day10 : Train - somewhere near Cumberland, MD

Today’s Lock Screen

A collage of eclipse progression and 2 photos taken during totality - one showing the corona and the other showing solar prominences and Bailey’s beads.

Three minutes and thirty three seconds of totality - an amazing experience! Here are three shots from beginning and end of totality. Will post more tomorrow.

Halo around the Sun. Hope the clouds remain at this level all afternoon.

All set up! Ready to catch the Solar eclipse in Plattsburgh, NY. Hope the clouds won’t ruin the show in 3 hours.

Tonight’s entertainment!!!

📷 Day02 : flowers (@davegullett)

📷 Day01 : toy (@pcora)

Taxes for 2023 season are done and dusted. One more chore completed.

Absolutely gorgeous day for a bike ride.

Was worried about my eclipse trip to enjoy it fully.

A phone call at the end resolved that issue, thankfully!!!