Finally, after a lot of hemming and hawing for years, signed up to get my genome sequenced and get some ancestry information.

Listening to the new Green Day album. It is quite good. They have the same energy as they did 30 years ago.
35F and rain is the absolutely worst kind of weather and that is what we have for this whole weekend.
2023 was the first year since 2013 when I did not do a century ride. The longest bike ride for 2023 was 55 miles. Have to plan at least one century ride this year - either sign up for an organized ride or do it by myself.
The first computers I used when I started grad school in 1991 were MacIntosh IIs and Silicon Graphics UNIX boxes. I think there was only a gap of about 1-2 years when I didn’t own a Mac or had access to one at work.
List of classes my daughter is taking in the Spring semester of her junior year:
- Perspectives in Environmental Science
- New Modes of Magic (Interesting! It is an English class)
- Microbiology
- Global Political Ecology
Link to a similar post with my son’s classes.
It is 22nd work anniversary for me today. Can’t believe that it has been so long. Time flies when you’re having fun and doing good science!
After a break of about one month, we are back to empty-nesting! Not saying it is better or worse. It is what it is. This will last till first week of March when they will come back for Spring break. Their breaks are not simultaneous with only one weekend overlapping. That means a longer break in empty-nesting for us.
My son starts the Spring semester of his freshman year at college today. Good to see that he is taking such diverse classes:
- Minimalism/postminimalism in music
- French
- Intro to Organic Chemistry
- Intro to Computer Science
Happy to see some snow (~4 inches) here. With sub-freezing temps for next few days, it will stick around.
Our issues with airline travel continue. My son going back to college today was on a 9:15 am flight. I dropped him off at the airport at 7:15 am and he just got onto the plane at 7:15 pm. Poor guy had to spend the whole day at the airport. American Airlines is just a steaming pile of shit.