California nebula (NGC1499) from the constellation Perseus. It is about 1000 light years away from us in the Orion arm of the Milky Way. This nebula glows because of intense radiation from a super hot class O star called Menkib.
Total exposure for this photo is about 4.75 hours.

Tried these pickled radishes and turnips on day 8. They are so crunchy and delicious. It started out clear and the color is from the radishes. Putting them in the fridge now. Will enjoy them over the next few days.
I was finally able to upload my Twitter archive to my account. This was one of my first few tweets.
eating chunky monkey
4/12/2007, 10:09 PM
Interesting to find that my first response tweet was to @pratik.
@patrix: aren’t you used to mosquitoes in your Texas swamp? :)
12/10/2007, 2:31 PM
Not a surprise, of course! I probably signed up on Twitter because he talked about it. Same reason why I signed up on 😁😁😁
Yeah, I have known him for that long and finally had the pleasure to meet in person this year in San Antonio.
At the Garde Arts Center in New London to watch another performance of the Nutcracker. This has become an yearly tradition since early 2010s when my daughter used to be in the cast.

80% Indian or 90%
After resisting the urge for several years, I finally ordered a ‘23andme’ genome analysis kit on Monday. Then there was news on Tuesday about a data breach at 23andme and data for 7 million users was compromised. I guess I can just return the kit and get my money back.
OTOH, I am not so sure what someone can do with this information. How can this be misused? This is not access to my financial accounts that someone can use to steal from me. I can imagine the insurance companies or government agencies using it for making benefits decision but, they are probably prohibited from doing that anyway. What am I missing? How can someone use this information saying that I am 80% Indian or 90%?
While visiting Edinburgh, from whatever little Scottish history I learned, it is clear that the English honed their skill at brutality and colonization on their Scottish brethren for several centuries before setting out to terrorize the World.
20231202 hike
Went for a hike this morning on Goodwin_trail and connecting smaller trails.
LIstened to The Long View podcast. Mike Moran from Goldman Sachs talked about retirement readiness. Didn’t learn anything new. There was no real substance in the conversation. Waste of time.
99% Invisible episode about the tomb of unknown soldier was quite interesting. The dead soldier from Vietnam turned out to be not unknown or was known but his identity was intentionally hidden.
I had forgotten that with Nikon SnapBridge app, photos taken on my camera can be transferred automatically to my phone - just like this one. It is such a nice feature!!
Thanks, @pratik for the reminder.

Over the last few years, we enjoyed advent calendars made up of whisky and wine. This year, we will take a break as wife will be away for a week due to work travel and I don’t want to do another such advent calendar by myself.
Can’t believe the republicans in the house expelled George Santos for being the best of what they all strive to be.
It is December 1st and they have started piping Christmas music in the hallways at work. Now, I am humming it in my office.