When I saw the headline “All trapped Indian workers rescued” I thought the news article was about people going through the U.S. Green card application process. 🤣🤣🤣
As I am using and enjoying my rowing machine a lot this year, I decided to join a challenge to row more than 100kms between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Feels like I’ll be able to cruise through it.
It was a great Thanksgiving feast this year. We had an extra unexpected guest but it wasn’t a problem. There is always enough food.
We were so thankful and happy to share this with our family and friends.
A new variation of potatoes this year, Smashed potatoes, was excellent. Everyone liked it.

Our Thanksgiving menu is set and have started prepping several dishes already. Looking forward to Thursday.

Picked up my son at the airport as he came back home for Thanksgiving. He was booked on a late evening flight but he went early to the airport and could get a seat as standby on an early morning flight. Glad he is home before all the Thanksgiving travel craziness begins.
Went to get a haircut and asked the barber to trim my beard too. He made look like Bad Bunny. Not sure how wife is going to react to this. Mostly, I’ll be shaving it all off very soon - like in a few hours.
Can’t believe that Thanksgiving is next week. As always we are hosting. Expecting about 20 people. Have to get out and get the groceries done before the stores get crowded.
Worked from home today and went for a #bikeride during lunch as it was a beautiful warm and sunny day.

Some big changes were announced at work while I was on vacation. Learned about them when I got back to work yesterday. Still have my job but, I’ll be reporting to a different person. This should not change anything about my work but, will miss interacting with my old boss. He is a great guy and we have worked here for almost the same number of years.
Driving around Scottish highlands on almost empty roads was the highlight of this trip. Can’t imagine how busy it probably is in Summers. Glad we picked this time for our trip - advantage of being empty nesters.

Having a gin and tonic with breakfast at the airport lounge in Edinburgh. Last bit of fun as this vacation winds down.

Had a great week traveling around in Scotland. It was good to meet our daughter and know that she is doing well with her semester abroad experience. Time to go home today and get back to reality. 😐
Had a nice visit to Glenmorangie distillery today. Learned a lot about how single malt scotch whiskies are made. Tasted the two in the last photo. They were delicious.
This is our day 5 in Scotland and we have seen very little rain; that too only in the nights. The days have been sunny with bright blue skies. I guess I should buy a lottery ticket. 😄
Within one month, we have visited 2 monuments to lost battles. The Alamo in San Antonio and Culloden Battlefield near Inverness in Scotland. 🏴

Driving from Edinburgh to Inverness was one of the most stressful driving experiences ever. It was pitch dark, raining at times and there were very few cars/trucks on the road. There was construction and the road kept switching from a proper 2 lane divided highway to a single lane undivided road and back. The road signs were unfamiliar and I was driving on the LEFT side of the road. Total white knuckle driving! Thankfully, made it safely in about three and half hours.