Made a quick video from the images taken around the time when ring of fire was seen during the annular eclipse on October 14. 2023.
Some photos from today’s eclipse event. I was really bummed when it started out cloudy but it nicely cleared out so we could see the “ring of fire“. Can’t wait to process all the photos and make a time lapse when I get back home tomorrow.
It was so nice to finally meet you in person, @pratik , after knowing you on the interwebs for about 20 years.

Overheard at Hartford airport: “Going to Miami for the Dolphins game.” My thought was “What?!?! and why?!”
If I told them I am flying to San Antonio to watch the Solar eclipse, their reaction probably would be the same “What?!?! and why?!”
Today’s #bikeride : Usual 20 mile ride
Beautiful sunny Fall day. Felt so good to ride today.
Listened to part1 of a podcast called The Big Dig that was featured on 99%Invisible. Good historical information about the interstate highways and one of the biggest public works project in Boston.
Received the updated COVID vaccine. Still remember all the excitement from the time when the first COVID vaccine became available.
At the time of ordering, my iPhone 15 Pro was supposed to be delivered in the week of 10/20-10/27. Received a surprise text this morning saying that it was shipped already. Apple website says delivery on 10/17 while UPS claims it will be delivered on 10/12. Let’s see when I actually get it.
Solid advice
The true investor will do better if he forgets about the stock market and pays attention to his dividend returns and to the operating results of his companies. – Jack Bogle
Today’s #bikeride : Commute to home
It was a cool Fall day, cloudy and windy. Got a little chilly; wish the Sun was out.
Listened to the New Yorker Fiction podcast. I always like short stories but, the best part is the analysis of the story. They make only one episode per month. Perfect!
Checking out the equipment and making adjustments to get it ready for next week’s solar eclipse. Next challenge is to get all this safely packed in our carryons.

Went on a hike this morning.
It was a pretty Fall morning - cloudy and still. Saw a lot of mushrooms on the trail.
Listened to: Season opener of Heavyweight podcast. I really like this podcast. Jonathan Goldstein is amazing. Have been listening to him since he first appeared on This American Life many years ago and had a podcast on CBC called “Wiretap”.
Also listened to The Criminal podcast that featured the strange story of Trevell Coleman who turned himself into the police for a murder he committed 17 years in the past.