Looking at upgrading to iPhone 15 Pro. If I get it from Apple, $250 trade-in value for my iPhone 11 Pro. If I go to AT&T, I’ll get the new phone for free with trading in that same old phone!!!
September 17: “intense”
Lagoon nebula (M8) is illuminated by a star that shines intensely with 23,000 times the brightness of our Sun in visible light and it radiates 44 times more energy in UV range than visible light.

139 Kms on the rowing machine in the last 2 months. This is more than my yearly totals in the years before. Really enjoying rowing machine as cross training. I think it has definitely improved my cycling performance.
September 12: “panic”
It will take a moment to realize the panic we felt as we got to the end of this 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle.

September 11: “retrospect”
When we look up in the night sky we are looking in the past. This image of pinwheel galaxy I captured earlier this year is how it was 25 million years ago.

Try hard but not that hard - I like this!!!
The trick—be it in exercise, or anything—is to try for 85%. Aiming for perfection often makes us feel awful, burns us out and backfires. Instead, count the fact that you hit eight out of 10 of your targets this quarter as a win. We don’t need to see our work, health or hobbies as binary objectives, perfected or a total failure.
With all the showboating, the men’s tennis is just so boring to watch. Wish this match gets over quickly so we can move on with life.
20230910 Bike ride
Bike ride around East Lyme, Old Lyme and Lyme. Went down to the coastline and then up into the hills before returning home. This is one my favorite 30-mile route.

Dropped daughter off at the airport last evening. Woke up this morning to find that she made it safely to Edinburgh and getting settled in university housing. This is the first time ever for her to experience living in the middle of a big city. She is going to have a blast!
September 8: “yonder”
Oh boy! So many photos to choose from. Here is one of my favorites. Flame and Horsehead nebulae from Orion.

A service engineer came in to fix one of the instruments at work and turns out that he is from same part of India as me. Interesting! This is one of the rare occasions when I can talk with someone about instruments and experiments in Marathi with a lot of English words in there, of course.
Trifid nebula (M20) is one of my favorite objects. In one field, there is bright emission nebula, a reflection nebula (blue), dark nebulosity crisscrossing in front of the emission nebula and an open star cluster (M21) to the top right.