These images generated by Apple playground based on my selfies don’t look anything like me, at least to my eyes.
My son was hired to play in the orchestra for holiday performances of a choir over the weekend. This was his first ever gig as a musician and was paid very well. Now he is saying that I’ll have to pay the same rate if I want him to rake the leaves and clean the yard when he comes home. 😳
रोहीत आणि विराट सारख्या जुन्या धेंडांना कधी हाकलणार? भारतीय क्रिकेट संघाला अजून किती लाजिरवाणे पराभव बघायचे आहेत? शेवटच्या ५ सामन्यातले ४ हरणं पुरे नाही का?
I just don’t see why I should even care It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
- Not dark yet - Bob Dylan
Our manuscript describing the preclinical characterization of XBB.1.5 adapted Covid-19 vaccine (2023 version) has been published. Hopefully, the manuscript with data for this year’s vaccine will come out soon in a couple of months.
Voyager 1 (launched in 1977) is about 15.4 billion miles away from Earth right now. It takes just under 23 hours for light to travel that distance. NASA engineers have to wait for 2 days to get a response if they send a command to Voyager 1. 🤯
First light with my new ASI2600MC-duo camera. Only 1 hour of North American nebula without any calibration frames. I am impressed with the resolution and clarity compared to ASI533MC. Still need to work on calibration for the guiding camera to make it better.