• @annahavron Ben Franklin probably saw himself in these male turkeys given what a strutting ladies man he was. 😄

  • @AnirbanM Lovely photos!

  • @pratik Or they don't want you to waste your time on this stuff. They are paying you big bucks for doing something more important. 😉

  • @gregmoore This was our fourth Sedaris reading and we have enjoyed every one of them immensely. In the past I have stood in line for a chat and got a book signed. This time, the weather was bad and we kept getting messages regarding power being out at our house so, we skipped that interaction after the show.

  • @gregmoore Thank you! Definitely planning to do so.

  • @pratik May not be the same in this case but, I have heard this before too. Basically means... give other people a chance to do this stuff. don't hog all the limelight by yourself

  • @curiousgawker Doesn't everyone who can't afford get a free public defender?

  • @AnirbanM End of the Earth as in year 1300?

  • @pratik hoot hoot!

  • @stupendousman Looks like it is rapture time and Jesus is coming.

  • @squaremoon same! didn't know this word existed. have only used the adjective form of it.

  • @pratik Cool! I liked the word play which you are always good at. :)

  • @stupendousman @pratik Have to make a correction here as I learned something new. What is seen here is called a prominence which is plasma shot out from the surface of the Sun. It eventually gets out in the space and some of it can crash into Earth. Solar flares are electromagnetic in nature and not physical explosions. I think both can cause disruptions in communications and better auroras. I used to use these two terms interchangeably but that is not correct.

  • @pratik Nice! Where is this tiny train track from?

  • @AnirbanM Where are you? Lisbon or Greece?

  • @cliffordbeshers It was just breathtaking! Not sure if you also felt this but, to me this time the darkness was darker and temperature drop was much more pronounced compared to 2017.

  • @cliffordbeshers Beautiful photo! It was such a great experience to view it.

  • @antonzuiker Excellent!!!

  • @velocykel Beautiful photo! It was such a great experience!!!

  • @tinyroofnail Beautiful! I missed taking wide angle shots like this as I was busy with the telescope. Glad that I can enjoy these photos taken by others.