Adit turned 2 week old yesterday. He seems to be doing well.

  • His conehead is not as pronounced anymore and is becoming rounder. His eyes are not puffy and he can open both of them as the swelling has gone away.
  • He is drinking well, gaining weight, and pooping a lot.
  • He has figured out how to soak his clothes and his parents, the moment his diaper is taken off. If he keeps this going, potty training may not be very difficult for him.
  • Some nights he slept well in 3-4 hour stretches, but last 2 nights, he has been staying up from 3 am to 5 am. It is still early to get his sleeping pattern stabilized.
  • We have been so used to talking about our daughter for the last almost 3 years, that initially V kept refering to Adit with feminine pronouns all the time. It has significantly gone down in the last few days as we have taught ourselves the fact that we have a son and not a second daughter. We have been using some of Ashwini's old clothes for Adit. V has been giving a flimsy reason that those pink outfits and blankets were responsible for her mental slips.