Adit turned 4 months old on the 28th. He is a handful and keeping us busy.

Wearing his sister’s crown.

Here is Adit’s monthly progress report:

    Adit ...
  • is a smiley, happy baby.
  • is eating well, pooping infrequently and farting a lot. Hopefully, this will change as he starts solid foods in a couple of months.
  • has figured out the use of his hands. He uses them to hold on to the animals on the playmat and also to grab onto his big sister's hair. He likes to put the whole fists in his mouth when it is not occupied with other things.
  • has developed a loud voice for crying or just for complaining. We can hear him anywhere in the house without the monitor.
  • likes to be on his tummy and lifts his head up quite well. Then, he sees his hands under his chin; they are so enticing that he forgets about keeping his head up and tries to eat both of them.
  • loves to take a bath. He is happy as long as he is in the water. Doesn't like all the drying off and wearing clothes business.
  • likes to interact with anyone who is willing to smile at him or talk with him. If we are talking with each other or even on the phone while holding him, he thinks that he is a part of the conversation and starts making his chatting noises.
  • likes it when Ashwini reads books to him.
  • just adores his sister. If she is in the room, his eyes are just fixed on her. He doesn't mind anything she does to him such as squeezing his cheeks, forcing him to hold her fingers or tickling him with her hair. I can't wait to see how they play together once Adit grows up a little.