Laughing out loud.

Here is Adit’s monthly progress report:

    Adit ...
  • continues to be a smiley, happy baby.
  • is very vocal and much louder than Ashwini. Shouts and screams when he gets excited.
  • is much more physically active than Ashwini. His legs are kicking and his hands are grabing for something all the while he is awake except when he is gazing intently at his sister.
  • pulls his head up while lying down on his back as if he is doing crunches. If he keeps up with this, he'll probably have washboard abs by the time he turns 1.
  • likes to be on his tummy.
  • likes to look at books and to watch TV with his sister. All the colors and flashing lights are very interesting.
  • tried sleeping through the night for a few weeks and decided that it was not fun at all. He wakes up at least once every night to drink milk and many times, he thinks that it is play-time after drinking milk.
  • puts everything that he can find, into his mouth. When I hold him, he even tried to get his jaws around my cheek or chin or even shoulder. Once he starts crawling, our whole house will be covered with his saliva.
  • starts to feel hot when temps go above 70-72 F. We either will have to pay big electricity bills or keep him just in a diaper all the time through the summer.

Another picture of the Laughing Buddha.