Adit sitting up with “The Hungry Caterpillar”

Adit turned 6 months old today. Half an year zoomed by since his birth. It just seems like yesterday when we made our trip to the hospital. Here is Adit’s monthly progress report.

    Adit is
  • very vocal. He still doesn't make any dada-baba sounds, but screams and coos to show his happiness and discomfort.
  • still very smiley. Within 30 seconds after getting 4 shots at the Doctor's office today, he smiled through tears when the nurse said goodbye to him.

  • sitting up with help. He likes to stay sitting and play with toys.
  • turning on his side to reach for toys, but can't roll over completely.
  • holding the toys in his hands to take them to his mouth. He manipulates them with his fingers and passes them from one hand to other. Sometimes he throws them and picks them up again. It is nice to see how he is learning new motor skills.

  • usually busy trying to put everything within his reach into his mouth.
  • not sleeping through the night. Wakes up at least once and wants to be fed.
  • getting ready to start eating solid foods. Today, he ate his first few spoons of rice cereal.
  • very happy to be outside the house. Likes to go for evening walks in the stroller. Over the weekend he sat on the swing for the first time. Guess who was eager to push him on the swing.