Adit getting ready to go to the waterpark.

Adit turned 7 month old today. This last month will be remembered as the month of big changes. He started going to daycare, started eating solid food and starting to enjoy the vertical dimension. He has been sitting up a lot longer without falling down and is more interested in sitting and playing with toys. He knows what toys he wants to play with and gets upset when that toy is taken away from him. This happens a lot as Ashwini tries to control what toys Adit gets to play with and he doesn’t like her intervention at all.

One of Adit’s most favorite toys right now is the ‘taggies’ blanket. Many of you must have noticed that kids like to play with the labels on toys, especially stuffed toys. This smart person came up with an idea of making a little blanket with different kinds of labels all over its edges. Adit just loves to put this unlimited supply of labels in his mouth. He also likes to play with balls.

It was easy to get Adit to start with solids. He liked the idea of eating from a spoon after making a mess a few times. He started off with rice cereal and he loved it. He is just opposite of Ashwini in terms of speed of eating. He is finished in just a few minutes while Ashwini needs to read books, listen to stories to eat her food. Adit’s stomach handled carrots very well too. The next thing we tried was sweet potatoes and they just wreaked havoc on his tummy. All those diaper changes has left him with a bright red diaper-rashed butt. Hopefully, it will get resolved soon.

Adit is learning to make different sounds and is getting very good at complaining when things don’t go his way. He still doesn’t make any baba-dada sounds, but is getting close. Screaming (learnt from his sister) is his sound of choice. Many times he carries on conversations with lights, ceiling fans or trees that he sees outside the window.

Adit is getting acquinted with “Dora the explorer” and “Blue’s Clues” at an early age because of his sister. Ashwini hardly watched any TV until she was 2 years old.

We had a fun half day at the waterpark. Adit couldn’t play in water as much as his sister did, but I took him for a tube-ride down a canal. He had a blast with all the water splashing onto him from fountains, jets etc.

Adit still doesn’t sleep all through the night and wakes up at least once to drink a bottle. If we listen to his pediatrician, we will just close the door, put a pillow over our heads and let him cry to sleep by himself, but I don’t think that is going to happen very soon. He still seems very small and delicate to us to be treated that way. One day will come when he sleeps through the night and we’ll share our celebration with you all. A couple more photos of the big guy…

Sir Adit John